Submitted by Antonia on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 12:59
Submitted by Antonia Bozic Cerar, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Most EU state administrators are still finalising the implementation of the set of changes to the waste directives published at the end of May in 2018, envisioned to support the transition towards a circular economy, as was anticipated in the 2015 published Circular Economy Action Plan titled “Closing the loop”.
Submitted by Antonia on Fri, 12/06/2019 - 13:34
MOVECO established action plans for three innovation groups. Austria, Germany, and Slovenia were ranked into the same group characterised as Innovation group I. During the final phase of project implementation all three countries were ranked as eco innovation leaders according to the eco-innovation scoreboard. The most recent results published for 2018 shows Slovenia has dropped a few places but remains above the EU average value.
Current status