
Call identifier: 
CE-SC5-04-2019: Building a water-smart economy and society
Type of funding: 
Purpose of the call : 
There is a growing demand for water from various economic activities and increasing stress on natural water sources. To secure water for our society, there is therefore a need to make available alternative water resources of various qualities and which are appropriate for different functions and multiple users, and to better exploit water resources and all the valuable substances that could be obtained through the wastewater treatment and reuse process. However, innovations in this domain remain fragmented and/or only experimented at small scales; testing and deployment in operational environments and at scales suitable for encouraging wider uptake is still missing.
Competent authority: 
Minimum and maximum financial support: 
10-15 Mio
Eligible applicants: 
See Annex A, B, C of the Work Programme
More information about the Program and/or Call: 
Application deadline : 
Deadline: 19 February 2019 17:00:002nd stage Deadline: 04 September 2019 17:00:00
Country Scope: