• Loans for larger projects• Loans for small enterprises• Equity investments• Guarantees• Advisory services
Type of funding:
Purpose of the call :
In general, expanding its initial focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, the EBRD has already moved into the areas of water and materials efficiency and climate adaptation. From 2015, the EBRD launched the Green Economy Transition approach to put investments that bring environmental benefits.
The relevant focus of the EBRD in the SR was so far on:
• Deepening financial intermediation and support for SMEs,
• Supporting investments in infrastructure, energy security and energy efficiency.
Minimum and maximum financial support:
Minimum financial support: 5 000 000 to 15 000 000 EUR (the amount can be smaller in some cases)Maximum financial support: 250 000 000 EUR
Eligible applicants:
Private sectorEligibility checker: http://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/project-finance/funding-adviser.html
More information about the Program and/or Call:
Information about loans: http://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/project-finance/loans.html
Information about equity investments:
http://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/project-finance/equity- investments.html
EBRD and Slovakia:
Application deadline :
No application deadline.
Country Scope: