Operational Programme Research and InnovationCurrent calls relevant for the CE related projects: OPVaI-MH/DP/2017/3.3.1-08
Type of funding:
Purpose of the call :
The subject of the call OPVaI-MH/DP/2017/3.3.1-08 is to support SMEs that are planning to create a new or upgraded product, innovating the production process in the least developed regions of the SR, in order to: • maintain the existing investments in the regions and help them grow to motivate SMEs already operating in the least-developed districts to expand their activities • to bring new investments to the least developed regions to motivate SMEs operating outside these regions to implement new projects right here;
• encourage the creation of new jobs in areas with a long-term high unemployment rate
Minimum and maximum financial support:
Minimum financial support: -Maximum financial support:Total of 50 000 000 EUR is allocated for the call. The applicant should regularly monitor the current available (remaining) indicative amount of funds allocated to the call. Several limits of maximum intensity of the financial assistance are set depending on the region where the project is implemented and the size of enterprise.
Eligible applicants:
Eligible applicants are micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises. Projects must be implemented in the least developed regions of the SR. Several other conditions are stated in the call (
More information about the Program and/or Call:
Operational Programme Research and Innovation: https://www.opvai.sk/
Current call OPVaI-MH/DP/2017/3.3.1-08: https://www.opvai.sk/vyzvy/mh-sr/dopytovo-orientovane-projekty/12092017_...
Application deadline :
Not specified (The call is open until the exhaustion of the allocated funds and may be closed in case of insufficient demand from the applicants)
Country Scope: