• Start-up activites (sheme P2) • Seed capital Convertible loan – SK75 orOwnership entry – SK200

Type of funding: 
Purpose of the call : 
P2: P2 enables young high-tech companies with the potential of rapid growth and job creation, the acquisition of start-up capital of up to EUR 54,000 in the form of a subsidy SK75: For young high-tech companies with the potential for growth and creation of new jobs that have previously with testing confirmed the existence of a prototype on the market, and they now need new investment funds to test the prototype functionality and further develop the product.SK200: Young companies can use the funds in the 2nd development phase, when they already have proven a product value on the market, but they need capital to successfully start the rapid growth and professional organization of the company.
Competent authority: 
Slovenski podjetniški sklad(The Public Fund of Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship or shortly The Slovene Enterprise Fund)
Minimum and maximum financial support: 
P2: up to 54.000EUR SK75: 75.000 EURSK200: 200.000 EUR
Eligible applicants: 
P2: new start-up in a form of d.o.o., s.p. or zadruga SK75: Micro and small enterprises (in a form of d.o.o.), younger than 5 years and older than 6 months, development oriented and globally focused.SK200: Micro and small companies in the form of d.o.o., less than 5 years old (from the date of registration until the submission of the application), are not listed on the stock exchange, have not yet shared the profit, they were not created by the merger, they are development oriented and globally focused
More information about the Program and/or Call: 

P2: http://www.podjetniskisklad.si/sl/produkti-sklada/program-mladi/zagonske... SK75: http://www.podjetniskisklad.si/sl/produkti-sklada/program-mladi/semenski... -sklada/program-mladi/semenski-kapital/lastniski-vstop-za-rast-inovativnih-podjetij-sk200

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