Investment supportIn capacities ofenergy productionand / or thermal from biomass / biogas and biogas geothermal energy(OPERATIONAL PROGRAM BIG INFRASTRUCTURE Priority axis 6, Specific Objective 6.1

Type of funding: 
Purpose of the call : 
Increasing the share of renewable energy in the total primary energy consumption, as a result of investments by increase power installed by production of electric and thermal energy from more renewable resources less exploited. Reducing carbon emissions in atmosphere generated by the energy sector by replacing part of the quantity of fossil fuels consumed each year (coal, natural gas
Competent authority: 
EU+ Romanian Government
Minimum and maximum financial support: 
Up to 15.000.000 euro
Eligible applicants: 
Administrative territorial unitsIntercommunity Development AssociationsCommercial companies which have as activity producing energy for marketing purposes
More information about the Program and/or Call: 
Application deadline : 
December 31st 2018, 10,00 hour
Country Scope: