
ICT Network is an association of companies, individuals, academic and research institutions devoted to the development of ICT sector in Serbia. It was established in 2010 by the merger of two former cluster initiatives, Serbian Software Cluster and Embedded.rs.

As a unique information hub, ICT Network today provides its members with access to relevant and up-to-date information from ICT industry, thus enabling them to boost their competitiveness and grow. As an open organization, it offers its members equality of opportunities and a transparent framework for efficient fulfillment of their interests.

One of Cluster’s main objectives is to encourage its members to suggest their own initiatives or projects which can be realized either through Cluster’s extensive network of strategic partnerships or in cooperation with other member companies. It provides its members with a variety of opportunities helping them to build greater visibility while keeping their business operations cost and time effective.

Currently, Cluster is focused on obtaining easier access to public and EU funds for its members, giving them possibility of internationalization of their business operations and actively supporting their innovative and enterprising initiatives and projects.