The Bulgarian Association of Recycling (BAR) protects the interests of the companies which recycle secondary raw materials in the country to carry out an active dialogue with the state institutions in the protection of the legitimate rights of its members, to examine and assist to resolve issues related to the legal, economic, financial, environmental, customs and other aspects of the activities of the firms from the branch.
The main objective of bio company “Lopyanko” is to establish an industrial plant of a circular economy type in Danube Region for organic silk production and further utilization of the waste products from primary production as high quality secondary raw materials.
Ecosystem Europe is NGO, which aims to create a favorable environment for access to innovative, flexible and attractive applications for students, educators and entrepreneurs, thus achieving a working balance between society, economy and the environment.
Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network focused on clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development, which connects SMEs and large enterprises, experts, NGOs, entrepreneurs, government and international institutions. Cleantech Bulgaria supports the development of innovation, finance startups and help the development of strategic partnerships in the fields of green industry and business, the environment, science and education.
The Investment Council at BCCI brings together representatives from investment funds, banks and state institutions, providing funding and investment opportunities for different projects in Bulgaria.
International Media Concepts Ltd. is one of the pioneer media and advertising agencies on the Bulgarian market . IMC has represented one of the leading multinational advertising agencies in Bulgaria and Macedonia.
SmartaA Group is a company offering business consulting services, which works with wide range of private, non-governmental and public institutions. The company supports the growth, competitiveness and consolidation of the market positions of SMEs by offering high quality business consulting services with added value and innovative approach.
ALMAREX Ltd is a consulting company, specialized in the field of management consulting. The company has been actively participating in the privatization, in the elaboration of international projects and it has been developing its consultancy activities in Bulgaria.
Eko-metal d.o.o. Novi Sad su 2004. godine osnovali preduzetnici iz Slovenije sa velikim iskustvom u upravljanju otpadom. Glavna delatnost preduzeća je sakupljanje, transport, skladištenje i tretman elektronskog i električnog otpada, otpadnih kablova, otpadnih fotografskih hemikalija i drugih opasnih i neopasnih otpada.
Braća Ilić d.o.o. Bačka Palanka se bavi reciklažom metalnih i nemetalnih otpadaka i ostataka na teritoriji Vojvodine. Firma je osnovana 1993. godine u Bačkoj Palanci, kao pionir privatnog preduzetništva u delatnosti reciklaže sekundarnih sirovina.
Božić i sinovi d.o.o. Pančevo otvorili su 2006. godine BIS Reciklažni centar u Omoljici. Sertifikovan reciklažni centar za elektronski i električni otpad i fluorescentne cevi primenjuje iskustava evropskih reciklažnih centara, a sarađuje sa firmama i fizičkim licima koji žele da na pravilan način odlože rashodovanu EE opremu.
Manufacturer of cooling units with primarily production of refrigeration for cooling and dispensing beer, and also devices for cooling and dispensing soft drinks, wine, water, soda water.
By product: remains of polystyrene boards