Programmes / Calls

Country More info
ROMANIA Start-up Pilot Program Environment for technologies for obtaining materials and / or products with a low environmental impact through the use of natural raw materials and / or recycled raw materials ECO-BUSINESS
ROMANIA Nucleu Programme
ROMANIA Grants for young researchers REGELE CAROL I
ROMANIA Innovative Technological project (OPERATIONALPROGRAMCOMPETITIVENESS,Priority axis 1,Specific Objective 1.3, Action1.2.1)
ROMANIA The Development of Integrated water and wastewater infrastructure (OPERATIONAL PROGRAM BIG INFRASTRUCTUREPriority axis 3, Specific Objective 3.2
ROMANIA Monitoring Energy consumptionAt industrial consumers (OPERATIONAL PROGRAM BIG INFRASTRUCTURE Priority axis 6, Specific Objective 6.2
ROMANIA Investment supportIn capacities ofenergy productionand / or thermal from biomass / biogas and biogas geothermal energy(OPERATIONAL PROGRAM BIG INFRASTRUCTURE Priority axis 6, Specific Objective 6.1
ROMANIA Rewardingparticipation in Horizon 2020
ROMANIA State Aid Scheme "FundingRDI projectsAccording to the Programme Developmentof national system of research and development "
ROMANIA State Aid Scheme"FundingRDI projectsAccording to the programThe growth of the Romanian economycompetitivenessthrough research,development and innovation
ROMANIA State Aid Scheme"FundingRDI projectsAccording to the Program European and International Cooperation
ROMANIA Financing Programme Consultancy inBusiness BAS Romania
ROMANIA Operational Program Human Capital Start Up +